The education practices have been revolutionized in the last few years. In earlier days, a teacher taught a student by drawing a diagram on the blackboard or by pointing out the diagram in the academic textbook. Since that time, the education system has progressed toward showing the student a 3D animated video in a Smart class. But the thing is, science needs experimentation.

As per famous scientist & Inventor, Benjamin Franklin:
Tell me something, I forget easily, teach me something, I remember, involve me and I learn.
In order to truly understand the real-life concept of Science, one has to perform a live experiment without mugging up the concept. When a student performs a live experiment, it teaches them the practical angle of how things work in real-life scenarios. They will gain real experience by performing STEM-based activities and get the satisfaction of gaining knowledge. This is where Tinkerly's Innovation Lab comes in. With the help of the innovation lab program blends the school's existing lesson plan and enables teachers to provide high-quality science education to their students in the classroom.
Now the question arises what exactly is an Innovation Lab for kids.
Let's talk about it in detail.
What Is Tinkerly's Innovation Lab?
In simple words, Tinkerly's Innovation Lab program blends the school's existing curriculum and enables teachers to teach exciting concepts of science in their regular classroom sessions with the help of 70+ teaching aids and 20 DIY kits for the students of grades 6th to 10th.
The Innovation Lab is based on the concept of well-researched 5D( See, Touch, Feel, Perform) pedagogy. This approach uses the power of hands-on learning. Tinkerly's Innovation Lab is the future of the young generation that fosters creativity and boosts their confidence.
What Are The Features of Tinkerly's Innovation Lab(TIL)?
It provides the following features as follows:
Teaching Aids: It consists of 70 innovative Science teaching aids.
DIY Science Kits: It contains interactive 20 Do-it-yourself Science kits. These DIY kits are reusable and commonly designed for all grades(i.e 6th to 10th).
It covers 3 main subjects- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Dedicated App support: With the help of the Let's Tinker App which consists of short training videos to explain the real-life concept in an easy and interactive manner.
Training & Support: 2 days On-site initial training + 10 days online training + 2 days Centralized training
Covers Multiple Examination Boards: It is mapped with the curriculum of grades 6th to 10th and covers examination boards such as CBSE, ICSE, Cambridge IGCSE, IB and State's Education Board, etc.
13x7 Online/Offline Support: Tinkerly provides a dedicated team of CRM that help schools by providing 13x7 online/offline support throughout the year. Also, Weekly/Fortnight Feedback calls by Tinkerly's dedicated CRM team.
Webinars For Young Minds: Monthly webinars are also organized frequently for the students.
Participation in National/State Level Competitions or Olympiads: The trainers also provide guidance to young minds by encouraging them to participate in Science and creativity olympiads.
Marketing Support: Tinkerly also provides marketing material for schools such as Banners, creatives, and other deliverables.
Practice Sheets For Students: The students are given practice sheets using which they can test their knowledge and learnings after the completion of any particular chapter.
PLOT Assessment of kids: The PLOT (stands for periodic learning outcomes track). It evaluates students' periodic learning outcomes throughout the year. It analyses the learning goals of young minds and measures their response towards the real-life concepts that they have learned in the classroom.
What Are The Benefits Of Having an Innovation Lab In Your School?
Listed down below are the benefits offered by Tinkerly's innovation lab to schools:
Teaches Real-life Concepts: With the help of Tinkerly's Innovation lab, the student will learn complex concepts in an easy and interactive manner. There are many complex concepts in Physics and Chemistry that are not clearly understood with theoretical means only. It requires practical touch as well.
Proper Information Usage: The information which the students learn from the 5D methodology of (See, Touch, Feel, Perform and Understand) in the innovation lab empowers their learning in the classroom and keeps them hooked learning.
Learn From Their Mistakes: The Innovation lab creates an atmosphere of hands-on learning that gives enough room for students to learn from their mistakes. They will be able to find many alternative methods of solving a particular problem. They can apply their knowledge and test their own theories without hesitation. They also build confidence when their experiment is getting successful.
Collaborate Knowledge With Peers: The students will feel free to discuss their findings with their peers, and they will do knowledge sharing that will enhance their learning outcomes. They will also learn how to work as a part of a team.
Spark an Interest In STEM: STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In Tinkerly's innovation lab, the students learn about the real-life scientific concepts of physics, chemistry, and Biology. The real-life experimentation are performed with the help of DIY(Do-it-yourself) Science kits. When a student engages with the Science DIY kits and performs live experiments, he/she starts enjoying and can even later even want to pursue a career in the field of STEM.
Bring Out The True Potential Of The Child: When students are subjected to the experiential learning, their inner creator takes control and they will do wonders. If the students are introduced to experiential learning approach from an early age they will develop a taste for it and it will be very helpful in their academics also.
Summing Up
In this blog, we have learned about Tinkerly's Innovation lab and the benefits of having such kind of lab on your school premises. We also take a look at how far we have come in education practices from rote learning to experiential learning.